25 November 2007

Group Show at ArtSouth in Gore New Zealand

Group Exhibition at ArtSouth in Gore New Zealand!!

Beverly Claridge
Julie Greig -
Michael Holland -
Daina O'Hagan -
Jane Riley -
Louwenda Robinson

From my perspective, this is an interesting mix of artwork on display at the beautiful gallery at the historic Old Post Office upstairs in Gore, New Zealand. Bob Martin, gallery proprietor, and his university summer intern, Paul, cheerily provides advise and information on all the artists and artwork there. For me, it is worth a journey just to visit with these two knowledgeable gentlemen.

In this exhibition, I am presenting my Stewart Island series, as well as providing three studies from my current series slated to be on display in early 2009. The series has the working title, "Ephemeral Perceptions" and explores visionary aspects of human existance, such as hope, aspiration, values, and ideals. I can't remember when I've had so much fun in studio, and can hardly wait to premiere this group of works. They are all slated for national contests next year, with the finale of hosting the entire collection in the exhibition at ArtSouth.

10 November 2007

Whew! What a Blessed Year!!!

It's been busy, but blessed 18 months!! One daughter married! Two others blessed us with a granddaughter and a grandson and our two boys are in their last year of highschool! Of course, then there was our trip to the US and a kitchen remodel when we returned. Then google did some remodeling of their own and I couldn't access my Blogger. But I've finally worked it out and here I am.

And now, I'm gearing up for exhibitions next year and the year after. The working title for my solo exhibition in "Ephemeral Perception", which will explore our everyday lives alongside the vastness and expanse of the universe. It is a more visionary direction for my artwork.

Included in this post is an image of one of the preparatory studies I am doing for the exhibition. I'll upload a slightly larger jpeg as soon as I locate it on my computer. I'd love your comments.

01 February 2007

There's No Place Like Home

I love returning "home" to Kansas. To my roots. I've lived a few other places in my life...Kansas City, Ohio, California, and now New Zealand. Southland, New Zealand is now my real home...where I hang my hat. Where I've decided to be happy for this part of my life. But a trip to Wichita really helps me appreciate some of the family influences in my life.

My folks, Charles and Dorothy, are decent, rather ordinary human to all who would take just a momentary glance at them. But to those who really know them--those who have a history with them and know the story of their lives both together and before they met---they are quite extraordinary. Very strong, very determined, bedrock values and beliefs in God, Nation, Family and Friends. Mindful to help those in need. Well liked by most and well-respected by all who know them.

How do you embody all these things and more in a painting? I had to try. A painting of Mom and Dad on their own, to me, would be a hollow painting. I wish I would have had more time to include even more of the hundreds of people these two have influenced. I was spoiled for choice with the dozen photo albums, plus boxes of old photos.

I am pleased with these paintings. I see dad with his beloved dog, Maggie. I look at the atlases and almanacs, the subject of many dinner table quizes during my childhood. I am thankful because I know where most countries mentioned in the news are, thanks to him. I am grateful because he always embued in us love for books and probably a love for pets, too.

On my mom's painting, I love her arms. My mom has incredibly strong arms. They've always been used helping others and working hard, and they give the most wonderful hugs. On the table is her Bible. The sole authority in her life. I wanted to paint her laughter. She is always laughing. My memory of that is probably better than any attempt to express it in paint.

I am very fortunate to have two great persons I can call mom and dad.

Now I am back home in New Zealand. I've re-visited my roots and now have returned, busily establishing new roots here. Thank you, mom and dad, for such a good beginning.