07 October 2008

Resolve and Reality...

Faithful Morning. Oil on Board.

A painting a day....yeah...ummm....no, not yet.

It has been an interesting journey from the point of deciding to do a painting a day.

The first part of that journey took place in a conversation with Bob Martin, the owner of the gallery that represents my art, ArtSouth . He questions the need for me to complete a painting a day, more or less saying he feels my skill level is already more than enough. And he's wanting me to finish my "Ephemeral Perception" series in a timely manner, I suppose, without distraction. Not the exact conversation, mind you, but something to that affect. Or at least how I understood it. While I appreciate these notions, and they were very complimentary, I really want to increase my speed with which I produce my paintings. He expressed concern that speed would diminish my skill level.

The second part came from a response to a post from one of my favourite newly discovered artists, Mark Adams , an amazing, yet humble artist, who wrote in his response to me saying he inspired me to try a painting a day, replied to me on his blogspot of daily paintings:

"Beverly, The daily paintings are a great discipline, just don't let it stress you out on those days that you just can't create or have a social obligation. Rather than scratching out something you aren't happy with, I find it is better to let it go rather than get frustrated. Others find that pushing on is a better philosophy. What ever works for you."

Good words from someone I admire so much. Bob Martin, painting as Robert John Martin, is no slouch either. His paintings of swans, kiwis and trout are masterful, plus he successfully running a gallery with international clients out of Gore, New Zealand.

And the, of course, there is the biggest part of this artist journey with which each practitioner much successfully contend, if that is the right word...family life.

We are blessed to have a couple of my adult children live with us as they complete tertiary studies. They along with my husband, a highly regarded Southland high school teacher, are all home on break before the fourth and final term of this year commences.
This situation eliminates a lot of needed quiet time for me.

I work best when I can hear myself think, with few distractions, and perhaps a bit of classical music on the stereo. I am one of those artists that does a lot of painting in my head before a brush hits the panel. All those "I just want to tell you this" interruptions cause me to lose a lot of the mental imagery that I had previously collected. But I love them and try to treasure everyday I have with my family members and so put up with it...but still.

Then we were fortunate to have our lovely wee granddaughter Lori Lee come to stay visit this week, resulting from a last minute decision. Of course we were delighted...but oh my idea of a daily painting...on top of the "big stuff" I need to complete. But I love wee Lori Lee and as a person who has lived more years of her life than she likely has left, I realise the time to form a lasting relationship with her is now...not later when we perhaps watch her go down the aisle with her future husband. Life passes by so quickly! Plus our other granddaughter Nova visits weekly as well. So family life is full.

So, no daily paintings this week. Instead, I have managed to expand my "social" artist network. I am actively involved in BrushSpace, which showcases some brilliant artists and allows each of them to "follow" other artists on the site. Quite a little community is being built. Chrysalis Seed Trust, a site dedicated to help artists of the Christian faith in New Zealand interface with the world at large, and Yessy, a site set up to easily show and sell my paintings. Seeing that art is a rather solo pursuit at times, I figured it was time to get a little more sociable whilst viewing some great artwork and actually discussing philosophical notions. Maybe even sell a painting or two or three...or four!!!

So all I can say, I suppose, is stay tuned. I do plan to manage to do almost daily paintings soon. In the meantime be sure to check out some the links I've put down. And enjoy looking at one of the paintings from my Stewart Island series. Until then...blessings!

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