11 June 2009

Rust Cannot Corrupt

This piece entitled Heart of the Matter is inspired by the scripture in Matthew's gospel where Jesus discusses our treasure and by a Hubble image of a massive young spiral gallery several tens of millions of light years away.

What's Eating Alpha Centaurus is inspired by the scripture in Matthew's gospel where Jesus discusses treasure and by a Hubble image of our nearest galactic neighbor, Alpha Centaurus, which is being canabalised by a black hole in the middle of it.

Stephen's Quintessential Matter is inspired by scripture in Matthew's gospel where Jesus discusses treasure and by a Hubble image of Stephen's Quintet of Galaxies.

This piece entitled Heart of the Matter is inspired by the scripture in Matthew's gospel where Jesus discusses treasure, and by a Hubble image from the core of our own galaxy.

Time has gotten away from me a bit...a good thing because I've been squirreled away in the studio in a flurry of painting and creating for upcoming shows in which I'm involved.

Next week, I ship off four of my newest paintings from a tangential exploration of Ephemeral Perception that I call Rust Cannot Corrupt. These paintings interpret ideas in the Gospel of Matthew where Jesus discusses treasure, as well as images from the Hubble telescope. They are a departure from my representational/narrative styles, however there is a story or message contained within each piece. They are going to be part of The Original Art Sale in Auckland later on this month.

I'm also pleased to be involved with Artists Against Slavery, which will have a show at Gallery O in Christchurch starting 14 through 20 July. Janie Porter heads this effort to raise funds for Hagar International, an organisation which provides restorative care to people caught up in modern day slavery. By no means am I an expert, but I am reading a book on the issue entitled Not For Sale to learn more about this pervasive world-wide problem. I will be helping her man the exhibition.

Now, that I've finished the Rust Cannot Corrupt side series, it is full steam ahead for the large figurative and narrative oil on boards I'm creating for Ephemeral Perception, slated to debut in 2010 at ArtSouth in Gore.

I'd love to know what you think about this group of paintings. I had a lot of fun creating them and it was therapeutic to bang hammers and drill in order to get the works put together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!